Teen Mission International is in Zambia where it is helping orphans through a self-sustaining “boot camp” programme that trains and equips teenagers in the Word and service to their communities.
The boot camp programme is a Bible training camp where local Zambian teenagers are trained in the word, evangelism and in small-scale construction.
Once their training is finished, the teenagers are sent out into the community to do service projects such as building or painting and are later encouraged to go into full-time ministry.
Some of boot camp trainees worked with Teen Mission's orphan outreach. Their service is now inspiring many of the orphans to join in the boot camp so that they can receive the training that will enable them to help other orphans.
Doug Peterson, of Teen Missions, said, "We started seeing these orphans come to Boot Camp, and then they are challenged in full-time service, and the circle just continues," reports Mission Network News.
"It's interesting that now in our Bible camp we have about eight of these orphans who want to go out and be facilitators and help those as they were helped."
The ministry also helps to train children spiritually and mentally and gives them a school education.
The organisation is building new schools in areas which are underserved and encourages participants to serve others and spread the Good News.
Peterson said prayer was essential to their ongoing work.
"Pray for the work and the young people who haven't heard, don't have an opportunity, and lack so much of what we just take for granted," he said.
On the web: teams.teenmissions.org/
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