Raw Thrills has confirmed that they are currently working on a new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (TMNT) arcade game.
The arcade cabinet maker said that turtles will be seen in their season 5 version on Nickelodeon. Mirroring the current show of the heroes in a half shell will just part of the gameplay. While the "Injustice" arcade performed at below average, gamers who have been playing any TMNT game are already saying that the new arcade version will be quite a blast to play.
"This new version of TMNT is a completely new re-imagining of the brawler concept. There are more moves, more environmental interaction, cool Turtle Power special attacks, voiceover from the entire cast," said the Development team of Raw Thrills to Arcade Heroes.
Since the turtles are very famous in the brawler gaming genre, retro gamers from the 1989 title from Konami will find themselves at home with the gameplay. Since the new game is gearing towards to a modern format, some additions to make the gaming experience enjoyable will be put in place.
Measuring at 9 feet tall and 4 ½ feet wide, the new TMNT game will require four players to play in order to get smoother game clears for each stage. High-definition screens will be used for the game cabinet since the turtles in the Nickelodeon show are rendered in 3D animation.
In the spirit of what made the retro game great, future players are told to not expect that the new TMNT game will be in full computer-generated images (CGI) like what most games look like recently. Although the environment will benefit from present-day advances, the rest of the game's package will remain simple as a way to introduce new generation gamers that graphics are not what make a game enjoyable.
A demo game is set to appear at this year's International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Expo this month.