U.S. renowned Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland just bought comedian and filmmaker Tyler Perry's Gulfstream V jet. The exact price of the jet was not disclosed by Copeland, but its price estimate stretches from $5.9 million to $12 million.
The Kenneth Copeland Ministries announced that the "debt-free" jet they purchased from the actor had arrived at ministry and is an important milestone for their "Mission 3." Copeland also released a video of the ministry receiving the vessel, and showing appreciation to the "faithful KCM Elite CX Team members" and God for the gift.
"Father we thank you so and I'm asking you now sir, according to your word, bless our partners beyond measure. Yes, in the name of Jesus," Copeland said during an interview. In the video, Pastor George Pearsons said the Gulfstream V will be used by the ministry "to do the work of the gospel all over the world."
According to a press release by the Ministry, "the Holy Spirit confirmed to Brother Copeland that the Gulfstream V was the plane the Lord had set aside for KCM." Copeland also developed a productive relationship with the seller of the jet, Tyler Perry.
The ministry is hoping to generate over $19.5 million for the jet's technical upgrade and maintenance. The upgrade cost is estimated at $2.5 million, while $17 will be allotted to maintenance, a new hangar, and for improving the runway. The $19.5 million is their next goal to complete "Mission 3" with the Gulfstream V already in their possession.
The Ministry and Copeland thanked all their partners for their support and contribution in purchasing the airliner.
The religious organization is confident that it will acquire the necessary funds to maintain the jet. "We know the Lord, and we know Brother Copeland. Vision won't stop coming and faith doesn't stop increasing," the Ministry said.