"Terminator 5: Genisys" did well at the box office when it premiered in 2015. However, while James Cameron was praised in its initial promotion, many found the sequel unsatisfactory which is why it's getting wiped from the timeline when the franchise returns.
Arnold Schwarzenegger recently had a brief chat with the site Terminator Fans about the next installment and he revealed that the upcoming film will pretend the previous one never happened.
"It's going to ignore Genisys," he told the publication at the recent "An Experience with Arnold Schwarzenegger" event, adding, "[James] Cameron was not involved in the others, so he does not acknowledge the others."
This hints that it's going to be a more direct follow-up to "Terminator 2: Judgement Day"' instead, so fans might have to count the events of "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and "Terminator: Salvation" out as well.
The plot of the film is still very much a mystery, but Schwarzenegger revealed that it will not actually be called "Terminator 6," and it will exclude Robert Patrick as the T-1000. This is sad news for some fans, but he did confirm Linda Hamilton's return. In fact, he said the actress who played Sarah Connor in the franchise prior to Emilia Clarke is already training for the role right now.
Moreover, the new film will serve as a passing of the baton to a new generation of characters much like what Disney made in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Cameron, according to The Hollywood Reporter, said they are currently looking for an 18-year-old woman who can be "the new centrepiece" of the story.
"We still fold time. We will have characters from the future and the present," he explained, adding, "There will be mostly new characters, but we'll have Arnold and Linda's characters to anchor it."
Filming for "Terminator 6" is scheduled to begin March next year for a yet-to-be announced release date.