The faith of a seventh grade student from Katy, Texas was recently put to the test by her atheist teacher who insisted that God is a "myth," and that any student who would list Him as a "fact" or "opinion" would have their answer marked as wrong.
Jordan Wooley, a straight-A student at the West Memorial Junior High School, told board members of the Katy Independent School District (ISD) that she and her classmates have been told by their reading teacher that God is not real, according to Covering Katy. If they disagreed with her beliefs and state God as real, then their grades would be put at risk.
On Monday, Jordan and the rest of her classmates were given a test about the existence of God. "We were asked to take a poll to say whether God was fact, opinion or a myth, and she (the teacher) told anyone who said God was a fact or an opinion that they were wrong," she said.
Jordan's mother Chantel said the test was very important to her daughter's average grade since it will count for 40 percent of her grade in class. However, she is very proud of her daughter for not caving in to her teacher's instructions and still exhibited strong faith in God.
"Another child had asked the teacher if we could try to put what we believe on the paper, and she [the teacher] said you can if you want to get it wrong," Jordan added.
The Katy school board apologised to Jordan in behalf of the teacher, whose teaching practices will now be investigated.
"I'm truly sorry that you feel that your faith was questioned," Superintendent Alton Frailey told Jordan. "What's going on is that the principal was made aware of this today and is going to have a chance to work on that as per district policies and procedures. We definitely will look into that. Thank you very much. It was very brave of you. Thank you, honey. Good job."