Showtime's "The Affair" will have fresh faces for the upcoming fourth season. The new cast members could be a result of the producers' attempts to further make the series interesting. Fans can only speculate what will happen between the original cast members and the new additions.
According to TVLine, the drama series has acquired the acting talent of Ramon Rodriguez whose recent projects include playing the villain Bakuto in Netflix's "Iron Fist" and "The Defenders."
Rodriguez will be taking the role of Ben, a potential love interest of Alison Lockhart (Ruth Wilson). It has yet to be revealed just how deep these characters' relationship could possibly develop.
Ben is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and is now under the employment of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
Alison and Ben could cross paths as he may be dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his service to the country. Things could only get interesting from there and may prove to either have a negative or positive effect on Alison in the upcoming fourth season.
"The Affair," which was created by Hagai Levi and Sarah Treem, has become Showtime's cream of the crop, being one its most closely followed shows. The previous seasons moved slowly but the intrigue-filled series that revolves around the infidelity of its characters have enticed more and more viewers to stay tuned.
According to Treem, she already has an ending in mind to wrap up the show. But of course, she has no intention of revealing how the show ends. However, this is usually a good sign of a well-crafted show — one that doesn't drag for too long and ends at the appropriate time without leaving the audience in the air with an unnecessary cliffhanger.
"The Affair" season 4 is expected to premiere in early 2018.