The UK's Education Secretary has said the Church of England should 'keep up' with modern attitudes in society and allow gay marriage in its churches.

Same-sex marriage remains illegal under the Church of England's canon law, though the Church remains divided on its future direction.
Justine Greening, the British Education Secretary since 2016, told Sky News yesterday: 'I think it is important that the church in a way keeps up and is part of a modern country,' according to The Telegraph.
'I wouldn't prescribe to them how they should deal with that but I do think we are living in a country where people broadly recognise that attitudes are in a different place now to where they were many, many years ago.
'We have allowed same sex marriage, that is a massive step forward for the better and for me, I think people do want to see our major faiths keep with modern attitudes in our country.'
Last week British Prime Minister Theresa May suggested the Church of England 'reflect' on the possibility of blessing gay marriage.
Greening also today announced government plans to reform the Gender Recognition Act, making the process of gender reassignment for transgender persons quicker and easier, and no longer requiring applicants to be officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria first.
'This government is committed to building an inclusive society that works for everyone, no matter what their gender or sexuality and today we're taking the next step forward,' said Greening said, according to i News.