After months of waiting, "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" has finally arrived on mobile platforms.
Fans can now download "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for Android and iPhone devices.
According to publisher Bethesda Softworks, the mobile version of "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" features a "new streamlined interface" particularly designed to make it playable on smaller smartphones.
"If you've already started playing on PC or tablets, don't worry about having to start all over on a new device," the publisher continued. "All of your account data will transfer over to your phone."
For those who are unfamiliar, "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" is a strategic card game which revolves around turn-based matches between two opponents; player vs. player, or player vs. computer. The cards are based on creatures, characters and lore found in the popular "The Elder Scrolls" franchise.
While "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" is free-to-play, an expansion set titled "Heroes of Skyrim" is available for purchase. The said expansion includes more than 150 new cards, featuring elements from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" such as Alduin, Paarthurnax, Aela the Huntress, Delphine and J'Zargo.
"The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Heroes of Skyrim" also adds two new types of cards called Dragons and Shouts. The first one comes with mysterious cards that operate differently if they are played with other Dragons, while the latter allows players to master the language of mythical beasts and can be leveled up to level three the more players use them.
"I'm very happy with the response to 'Heroes of Skyrim,'" Bethesda Softworks vice president of public relations and marketing, Pete Hines, said in an interview with TouchArcade. "I think it had exactly the sort of impact we hoped and expected. I love the design of that set, the new mechanics... pulling dragons from my graveyard, leveling up shouts."