It is a brand new year and I have been reflecting on what I learned the past year. Interestingly, because I had been staying home to look after my little one, I had learned a lot from him.
As he develops daily, there are milestones that he hits, and also new tricks that he picks up. What amazes me is his determination and perseverance to become better at them.
When he was learning to roll, he kept trying until he succeeded. When he learned to stand, he fell many times but kept pulling himself up. The consistency was also remarkable as he practised daily so he mastered the skills he was learning.
He is teething now and often he will cry in his sleep because it is painful. However, in the morning, he will give me his biggest smile and go through his daily routine again. While he grows, he is also looking to me to provide him the comfort as he needs.
Growth is a choice
When we want to become better versions of ourselves, we should want to keep growing, even if it means going through pain. Before Nathan had teeth, he could only have soft foods. Now that he has some teeth, he can have food with various textures.
When we experience pain and grow through it when growing, we will invite more exciting experiences into our lives.
Consistency keeps us accountable
Consistency is one that keeps us accountable to our daily habits. When Nathan was learning to crawl, he practised day in day out. Even before he went to bed, he was still trying to practise. When he learned to stand, everyday he pulled himself up even if it meant falling over many times.
How often have we been consistent in our daily habits or learning an area of expertise?
Keep smiling
Lastly, keep smiling. Even through the growth pains or multiple falls, Nathan keeps his smile going. As we go through life, inevitably it will have tough moments. But we should keep our smiles going and know that once we conquer, we win.
Courtesy of Press Service International