After missing a week for the 4th of July celebrations, The Originals season 5 episode 10 will air on Wednesday as the tension builds towards the finale.
Hope seems to be on a one-way track down to evil and her dad Klaus is going to use 'unconventional' methods to try to save her, according to the synopsis.
The synopsis reads in full: 'Klaus (Joseph Morgan) helps Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) cope with her pain in an unconventional way.'
IBTimes says the unconventional way Klaus is using is trying to encourag her to do bad things as a way of healing herself. These bad things include putting others through pain. But Klaus' strategy may end up having the opposite effect and may make things worse not only for Hope or himself, but for everyone.
The promo for the next episode shows Hope unleashing her rage on Klaus and throwing him across a room.
Elijah is deeply troubled and warns Klaus: 'That rage, leading her down a path that will erase her humanity, the consequences will be devastating for everyone. Everyone.'
It might be the case that someone has to die to save Hope from her rage. We know already from comments by executive producer Julie Plec that the last few episodes of the final season of the CW show will be marked by more than one death.
She previously tweeted: 'After tonight, there are five episodes of #TheOriginals left before the end of its run. There are about as many significant deaths coming.'
Episode 10 will see some interesting developments for other characters too. For Elijah, he will have an encounter with someone from his past but we don't yet know who.
And Marcel will go up against the nightwalkers, who are still at large after Vincent turned down a deal. Will Marcel be one of the 'significant deaths?'
The Originals season 5 episode 10 airs on The CW at 9pm EDT on Wednesday.