What should we be doing to help with the refugee crisis being played out in front of our eyes on virtually every news bulletin and newspaper headline? Remembering that our Saviour was once a refugee, and that we too were once "aliens and strangers", excluded from the family we now belong to by the grace of God, how can we show solidarity with those seeking refuge from the atrocities that are happening in Syria? How will this humanitarian crisis on our doorstep change us – not just for one day but for good?
Please watch and share this video. (You can download it here). Also consider playing it at your church services as we call the church to transformative action.
1. Pray – 24/7 has launched a special week of prayer – find out more here. 2. Foster – many children and young people are coming to the UK as refugees without their parents. Lets be ready to welcome them into loving homes through Home for Good. Sign up here to be added to a national database. 3. Welcome – with the government's promise to receive thousands more refugees, Our churches need to be ready to welcome them into our communities and help them to integrate. If you have property available to rent please get in touch with Citizens UK. 4. Connect – Can you use your connections to help make properties available to those seeking asylum? 5. Give – Open Doors has launched a special appeal to help those facing persecution in Syria. £35.50 can provide an emergency food parcel to feed a family of five for two weeks.