AMC and Next Games released a promotional trailer for "The Walking Dead: Our World," an augmented reality (AR) video game similar to "Pokémon GO."
The cinematic trailer for the game showed the same eerie atmosphere that fans have grown accustomed to in the show. It starts with two people, a male and female, stopping by a convenience store to buy some stuff. The trailer then pans from the ongoing busy routine of the store to a nursing home that shows old people doing everyday normal things.
Hell breaks loose when the female hears the walkers approaching the convenience store, then the gruesome action ensues — with surprising digitized versions of the show's characters serving as cameos.
This suggests that players could possibly encounter the show's favorite characters while playing the game, such as Michonne, Daryl and Rick. The trailer took a lot of cues from the "Pokémon GO" trailer.
Players will be able to pick up weapons that will be randomly dropped in the game's world, to be used to slay the vicious walkers. Some featured weapons were a katana and a semi-automatic gun.
According to Screen Rant, "The Walking Dead" has seen a lot of video games due to the popularity of zombie-themed titles in general. However, it is about time that they have come up with an AR style of video game, which is an almost assured hit amongst would-be zombie-killing enthusiasts.
Given "The Walking Dead's" massive fan base and the success of "Pokémon GO," it is a formula that could translate to making some serious money for the franchise.
"The Walking Dead: Our World" is developed by Next Games, a Finnish studio responsible for another game in the same franchise called "The Walking Dead: No Man's Land." This isn't the first time they will be tackling the concept of the show's zombie-infested world, so fans can be assured that Next Games is capable of delivering a promising title.
The upcoming title is being prepped to be available to both Android and iOS devices.