With "Game of Thrones" well into its new season, several rumors are out regarding author George R. R. Martin's upcoming novel "The Winds of Winter." According to Christian Times, even with rumors suggesting that there are several delays in its writing, it seems like the novel is already in the final stages of writing. This suggests that eager fans could very well have a new book on their hands very soon. Other rumors state that he might even release this new book before the end of this year.
This book is said to be the second to the final installment to the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, which ups its value. This means that Martin can't easily write anything here haphazardly, so it's understandable that he might take a while to publish the novel. Even if he finishes the manuscript, it would still go through several stages of proofreading, editing and printing before it can hit the shelves.
According to Vine Report, the renowned author also recently revealed a few chapters from the said novel on his personal website. This chapter involved the face of Arianne Martell and Aeron Daphair Greyjoy, who is apparently just as sadistic and cruel as the hated character Ramsay Bolton. Martin even suggests that this new character might just be a tad more brutal than Ramsay.
Everyone also expects to finally find out about Jon Snow's parentage, which is supposed to be something integral to the plot of the series. Thus his true mother should finally be revealed before the end of the novels. Internet theories believe that he isn't Ned Stark's illegitimate son, but that he might just be the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.
Parent Herald also reports that George R. R. Martin once mentioned "two great battles" that will occur in this book. Several also expect more character deaths, since this is the author's signature move in the series. He reportedly expects to have "The Winds of Winter" published before season 6 of the television series airs next spring.