'They died that we might live': York Minster remembers city's World War One fallen

The King's Book of York Heroes

A unique memorial to the citizens of York who fell in the First World War has gone on display at York Minster. 

The King's Book of York Heroes commemorates 1,447 local people killed in action, including the last reported British soldier to be killed in the Great War, George Edwin Ellison.  

Ellison enlisted at the start of the war in 1914 and is reported to have fallen just before the 11am ceasefire on 11 November 1918. 

The 9st 4lb book contains the names of the fallen, as well as their biographies and individual photographs.

It forms the centrepiece of the cathedral's display, 'They died that we might live', commemorating the centenary of World War One. 

The display brings together photographs, letters and personal items to tell the story of those who fought in the conflict. 

Among the items on display is the communion set used by Dean Eric Milner-White when he served on the Western Front.  

"The new display is part of a four year programme of remembrance at York Minster to mark the centenary of the First World War," explains York Minster's Collections Manager Vicky Harrison.

"York Minster has a number of important monuments to people who died during the conflict but the Kings Book of York Heroes is believed to be unique, not only in the region but nationally because of the fact it includes individual photographs of the fallen.

"We hope the display will encourage visitors to learn about the story of York Minster and the First World War, which is one of courage, sacrifice and remembrance."

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