We're used to maintaining a focus on the dangers posed from external harmful influences but we shouldn't neglect that we can poison our own minds with negative thoughts about ourselves. We can act as our own worst enemies by telling ourselves that we're not good enough, not wise enough, not loveable.
This negativity which causes us to doubt our own ability to make a difference, to achieve great things and to be great people is also a manifestation of doubts about God. Being sure of His wisdom, greatness and righteousness means that we should be in turn sure of our own value and that we are loveable because He loves us and gives us worth.
The negative thoughts that we store up about ourselves are no less damaging to our spiritual self than the bad feelings that we have about others or about life in general. Often, these self-deprecating thoughts have a way of directly impacting the way we see the world and other people.
God's given us so much to be positive about, even when our day-to-day existence is littered with tragedy or difficulty. His word is full of passages which remind us to stay hopeful about what's to come and about who we are.
You might think that what you think about yourself doesn't matter, that it doesn't affect how you treat others or how you see God, but it does. No matter how much we think we've successfully hidden or boxed away the negative thoughts we have, they have a way of infiltrating other aspects of our lives.
Perceiving ourselves as worthless beings isn't compatible with God's view of us. He sent His only Son to die so that we may live, He watches over us constantly and He loves us greatly. He values us so it's only right that we should see value in ourselves.
These Bible verses can help you to assert your power over pessimistic thinking.