A lot of Christians find it difficult to choose between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and would rather skip the voting process altogether this year.
But Dr. Jim Garlow, pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego, California, reminds Christians of their God-given responsibility to vote. He knows there is no perfect candidate, but he personally believes that Trump is the better choice between the two.
"Trump has lots of sins in his past (actually, we all do), and — in the present — says things he should not say. I make no attempt to defend any of the things he has said," he writes for Charisma News.
But Garlow says Clinton, along with her husband, "seems to exceed all previous boundaries for wrongdoing." Trump might have a lot of "misstatements," but Clinton in comparison has a "continuous string of horrific scandals."
Evangelical leaders seem to flock to Trump as well, and Garlow explains it's because he is easier to deal with than Clinton.
"As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning than one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive," he says. "If I were a pastor bringing correction to a parishioner, I would prefer dealing with a 'Trump-type' any day over a 'Hillary-type.' The chances of making progress with the 'Trump-type' are many times greater than the 'Hillary-type.'"
There is also great power in the influence of friends. Garlow has observed that Trump is being surrounded by increasingly good people, and he believes they can positively impact Trump. As for Clinton, she needs more good people by her side.
At the same time, Garlow likes Trump's list of "11 superb potential nominees" for the Supreme Court, whereas Clinton's appointments "would snuff out the tiny vestige of the three freedoms that are left" — political freedom, economic freedom and religious liberty.
"Trump fully grasps the loss of religious liberty. I have heard him speak on it in person on several occasions. He knows that economic and political freedoms are evaporating. He will reverse that. Hillary will decimate all three," says Garlow.