Football star and philanthropist Tim Tebow always strive to make a difference in people's lives, and this is exactly what he did to 13-year-old Nathaniel Nelson, a young boy who is battling cancer in Jacksonville, Florida.
Nathaniel's whole world turned upside down when he was diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia back in August. Since September, he and his family have stayed at the Wolfson Children's Hospital, First Coast News reported.
Throughout his ordeal, Nathaniel maintained a positive attitude. His cheery disposition captured the attention of Tebow who decided to pay the young boy a surprise visit. And when he did, Nathaniel burst into tears upon seeing his football idol.
The two quickly became friends. Tebow has visited Nathaniel three times already, the most recent of which was on Thanksgiving.
It wasn't only Tebow who had Nathaniel on his mind during the holiday, since many other people have gone out of their way to comfort him and try and uplift his spirit. Nathaniel has received countless letters, well wishes, and signed sports memorabilia from complete strangers who simply wanted him to get better.
"I feel humbled and blessed that so many people are praying for him," said Lisa Nelson, Nathaniel's mom.
A local chef even offered to cook a Thanksgiving feast for the Nelson family while they were in the hospital. The Nelsons even got to share their food with the hospital staff from the same floor.
Despite his current illness, Nathaniel feels extremely blessed. "I'm thankful for all of the wonderful friends and experiences with those friends and family," he said.
Nathaniel is looking forward to the day that doctors will declare him "cancer-free," and he dreams of finding a cure for cancer one day so that no other kid and their families would have to endure what he has gone through.