Former NFL quarterback and current SEC analyst Tim Tebow recently spoke before 2,000 members of the Northside Christian Church in northeast Fresno, California, urging them to cast away their self doubt and join "God's team" and telling them that God has great plans for His followers.
Tebow used the passage John 6:5-14 to make his point, reported the Fresno Bee. The verses talk about a young boy who gave Jesus five small loaves of bread and two small fish in to feed a large crowd.
"You think God can't use you because you don't feel qualified to be used?" Tebow asked his audience. "Now you are just underestimating God. It didn't matter if he had one loaf and half a fish, God could have still done the same with it."
"You might think, 'I'm not a role model. There aren't these people that are looking up to me,'" he continued. "And my response to that is: There is probably someone who is looking up to you. There is someone that their life is going to be changed because of you. The question is, 'Is it going to be changed for the better or the worse?'"
Tebow shared that God used him to spread the Gospel even while he was still playing for the University of Florida. Back then, Tebow wore eye blacks that carry the inscriptions Philippians 4:13 or John 3:16.
After a certain game, Tebow's coach got a call from his school public relations team, saying that the Bible verse John 3:16 received a lot of interest (94 million people Googled the verse) because of Tebow's eye black.
Tebow was surprised that 94 million people did not know John 3:16, one of the most popular verses in the Bible, but he was glad that he was able to do his part to share God's Word.
"What a big God that we serve. I'm out playing a silly game, and I put these things under my eyes and it's amazing what God can do," he said.