The first female General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain has spoken of her desire to see Baptists embrace a new way of being for the 21st century.
The Reverend Lynn Green takes up her new post today just as the BUGB officially launches its new logo, website and magazine, Baptists Together.
The launch comes at the end of an extensive rebranding process within the denomination aimed at better reflecting the vibrancy of the BUGB as a network of missional churches working in partnership for the Gospel in Britain.
The new blue logo merges the Christian symbols of the cross and fish together, emphasising relationship and working alongside each other.
The new website is designed to bring together all things Baptist and includes an online shop, a church finder, and the denomination's news service since 1855, The Baptist Times.
The Reverend Stephen Keyworth, Team Leader, Faith and Society Team said: "The new website is the result of a huge amount of hard work from a small F&S Team supported by Baptists Together in churches, associations, colleges and other specialist teams. It marks many new beginnings today, but its real value will be as it grows and develops as people use it and interact with it."
The new Baptists Together Magazine will be mailed to church leaders three times a year, in January, April and September, and feature stories of how the Baptist family is serving God in mission and ministry.

Reverend Green said: "I long to see local churches being encouraged and supported to transition beyond inherited church into vibrant mission communities. I hope that we will be adventurous, take more risks and above all, be Kingdom possibility thinkers.
"In a tribal world I want us to be known for our profound and rich diversity in unity. Diverse yet integrated. As Baptists we are blessed that we are formed of those from many nations; we have so much to learn from each other in our journey to become Christ centred communities.
"We are committed to the priesthood of all believers, where women and men, young and old, rich and poor, are encouraged and released to serve the Lord , each one differently abled and unique.
"I believe that our Union is ready for generational change. It is time to cast off the institutional mind-set that has served us well in the past, and embrace a new way of being for the 21st Century."