Lara Croft is getting ready yet again for another expedition, as a new "Tomb Raider" game has been announced by publisher Square Enix.
Square Enix has taken to Twitter to announce, or rather just tease, the new "Tomb Raider" game coming next year. Square Enix has stated that it won't be long until the official reveals for the next game in the franchise, so fans may want to hold their breaths as this could mean that the game might get unveiled before the year ends. Otherwise, the reveals might be early next year before any official announcement happens.
The studio has also promised something big in 2018, where a prestigious event is set to spark off something about the next "Tomb Raider." What this is remains to be seen as Square Enix did not leave much for fans to go on. Apparently, they are also keen on taking a new approach to the marketing and hype of the new "Tomb Raider," which is why they chose to reveal it later instead of immediately.
According to Polygon, Square Enix may be referring to the upcoming "Tomb Raider" movie starring Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft as the "big event" in 2018 since the film is also set to be premiered on March next year. Beyond this, no specific details were announced, though it could mean that the upcoming film is tied to the upcoming game in some way.
For now, there is no title yet for the next "Tomb Raider" game. Even its developers are being kept as a secret by Square Enix. Rumors point to "Thief" and "Deus Ex" developers Eidos Montreal as the new creators of the upcoming "Tomb Raider" game, which is supposedly titled "Shadow of the Tomb Raider." Still, Square Enix has not commented on the said speculations, so these are best taken with a grain of salt.
However, someone from Twitter has noticed that every first letter of every sentence of Square Enix's recent announcement about "Tomb Raider" spells out as "shadow," which could mean that the title is indeed "Shadow of the Tomb Raider." The only way to find out now though is to wait for official announcements.