Through his recent actions and statements, US President Barack Obama is warning the world that "he's slipping mentally" and that "his judgment is impaired," a well-known American psychiatrist and forensic profiler has revealed.
Dr. Andrew G. Hodges, a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice, said the world should be alarmed when Obama showed a "destructive rage beyond belief" when his administration succeeded in clinching a nuclear deal with Iran together with other world powers, according to a WND report.
Hodges said analysing what goes on inside the mind of Obama is made easier by his description of himself as an "uncaged bear" and his statement that there's "no telling what I might do."
Hodges is remembered as the forensic profiler who worked on the double-murder case against O.J. Simpson and the Natalie Holloway disappearance.
He is the author of "The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury" and a new book, "As Done Unto You," about the Amanda Knox case.
Hodges did pioneering work on unravelling the unconscious mind, which he explained in "the Deeper Intelligence," a book he wrote in 1994.
He said he has shown on numerous occasions that one can access and interpret messages from a person's "unconscious super intelligence" to be able to extract confessions and motives for crimes.
Hodges said he has been studying Obama's actions and statements for some time now which convince him that the president, although "not exactly clinically deranged," is "not altogether stable."
He said with the Iran deal, Obama's super-intelligence is secretly confessing, "I am the biggest threat to the world. I am the climate change that can eliminate us all'."
"Unconsciously, Obama's staggering image reveals his plans to threaten the entire world by changing the nuclear bomb climate – giving into Iranian demands," Hodges explained.
Obama referred to the complexity of negotiations with Iran. "It's a complicated piece of business ... negotiating with a regime that chants 'Death to America!' But the people who know most about the central challenge ... which is making sure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon, they are overwhelmingly in favour of it," Obama said.
Hodges said with this "denial confession" statement, Obama revealed what he really wants—"making sure that Iran gets a nuclear weapon."
Hodges continued: "Next Obama takes us specifically to his mental functioning. In a familiar projection, he accuses Republicans critical of the nuclear agreement of 'selling a fantasy' to the American people. Obama's super-intel confesses his fantasy that Iran's not dangerous and the deal's safe.
"Frighteningly he's that far out of touch with himself. He constantly rationalises his secret passive-aggressive attacks driven by deep unconscious fears of being attacked himself," Hodges said.
"In his conscious mind Obama sees the Iran deal as living up to his Nobel Peace Prize. His super intelligence declares this is the greatest misnomer in history. No single person has ever threatened the world in such a way," he said.
In his book, Hodges explains that Obama uses "three basic psycholinguistic manoeuvres, all unconscious: denial, projection and use of key images which reflect his true intent."
"Secretly his words tell us about his true psyche deep down," the doctor said.
In a speech he made last year, Obama "secretly confessed to hidden attacks on America driven by a deep inner madness."
Hodges said that although this does not indicate "clinical madness," it showed Obama's "near madness—the disturbance of a secretly angry traumatised leader."
The doctor also notes Obama's statement that Republican inaction "drives you nuts ... and it drives me nuts."
Obama added: "They're [Republicans] not doing anything – and they're mad."
Hodges said unconsciously, Obama is "telling us that his own famous 'inaction' represents secret madness and escalating passive-aggression."
"In short, Obama was projecting his inner turmoil and disguised rage onto Republicans," Hodges said.
The doctor also pointed out that in studying the minds of people "things said in jest are ideal for true super-intel confessions."
Obama once said, "With Secret Service, I always tease them, I'm like a caged bear and sometimes I break loose. And I'm feeling super loose today, so you don't know what I might do.'"
Hodges said this is Obama clearly telling everyone that "he is increasingly out of control – 'super loose' indeed."
Then there is Obama's flippant comment, "no telling what I might do," which implies, according to Hodges, complete loss of judgment.
Hodges expressed alarm that sitting in the Oval Office in the White House is "a near-madman at the controls of a nuclear bomb appearing rational on the surface."
"Not madness such as total loss of control mentally, but more and more drastic behavior seen in disturbed traumatised leaders," Hodges said.