The Tomb Kings have been disturbed from their slumber in "Total War: Warhammer 2," which is why the faction of Egyptian-themed undead warriors are out for the blood of the living, whatever the race may be.
Developer Creative Assembly and publisher SEGA have finally announced the arrival of the Tomb Kings. This time, they will be fighting against the four main factions of the base game, the Skaven, Dark Elves, High Elves, and the Lizardmen. For those who own the "Mortal Empires" downloadable content (DLC), a lot more races and factions will be available for the Tomb Kings to bury.
A new trailer has also been released to YouTube, and it showcases the immortal armies of the Tomb Kings, which function similarly to the Vampire Counts of the first game. There, the leader is usually the most important unit in the army since he maintains magic which keeps the undead army standing.
Players can expect the usual Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, and Tomb Guard in the infantry roster for the Tomb Kings. Meanwhile, the cavalry, which may consist of Skeleton Horsemen, Chariots, and Horsemen Archers, may not be as impressive as the other factions. Even so, they can still get the job done.
However, the Tomb Kings faction really shines with their special unit roster called Constructs, which consist of imposing automatons of bone and stone like the Necrolith Colossus a.k.a. Bone Giants, Necrosphinx, Ushabti, and Hierotitans, perhaps more.
That said, this roster is taken directly from the units of the tabletop game, so players might see variations or omissions from the video game adaptation. One thing is for certain though, the legendary Tomb King Settra the Imperishable will be present as he is shown in the trailer riding a chariot and commanding the undead legion. Meanwhile, flying units called Carrions, which are giant undead vultures, are also confirmed by the trailer.
The Tomb Kings will be available in the game once the "Rise of the Tomb Kings" DLC pack gets released in a bundle with the "Eye of the Vortex" campaign on Jan. 23, 2018.