"Total War: Warhammer 2" will not let players experiment with the game, as a new update titled "The Laboratory" aims to make lab rats out of the game's Skaven faction.
Creative Assembly, the game's developers, have announced the new update for next week, and it will be available for all "Total War: Warhammer 2" owners for free. The game centers around the giant rat-men faction of the Warhammer universe called the Skaven. Apparently, they will now be allowed to tinker with some extreme tweaks for the game.
The developers warn the players though, as the update will put additional strain on the hardware of their PCs. This is because one of the highlights of the update is a unit count multiplier setting, which will increase the in-game unit count far beyond what the game's graphical settings allow. This will also make battles a lot longer and more frantic, as the number of individual units clashing on-screen can easily get tripled, putting a typical army count to about 6,000-12,000 units.
Another setting which players can play with in "The Laboratory" is the low gravity. Units will float when knocked back or receive impact. This is especially noticeable when large units are fighting against regular-sized ones, or when siege engines are present in the battlefield. Coupled with the unit count setting, this will consume a significant amount of central processing unit (CPU) as well as graphics processing unit (GPU) power.
Other settings include damage, projectile penetration, reload time, ammunition, explosions, entity scale, vigor cost reduction, abilities and more. Sadly, the developers have not released what exact system specifications are required or recommended for PCs to be able to take full advantage of "The Laboratory" mode, but that will not stop any PC or their owners from attempting to see it in action. One thing to note is that the update is sponsored by CPU manufacturer Intel, which could mean that the "The Laboratory" might be better optimized for it than AMD CPUs.
"The Laboratory" for "Total War: Warhammer 2" is set to be released on Thursday, Dec. 14.