Trainee monk murdered in unprovoked street attack

Members of the Melanesian Brotherhood, an Anglican religious order based mainly in the Solomon Islands. ABM

A trainee monk has been killed and another badly beaten in a street attack in the Solomon Islands, according to the Anglican Communion News Service.

Jackson Lodo, a novice in the Anglican Church of Melanesia's Melanesian Brotherhood, and another novice were walking to Tabalia from the capital Honiara when they were the victims of an unprovoked attack last week.

Lodo was killed and his companion, a third year novice, was violently assaulted but managed to escape. Radio New Zealand International reported that the survivor is currently in hospital. A suspect has been detained.

The police have mounted a full investigation into the attack which is said to have left the Melanesian Brotherhood in shock but eager that the attack not to lead to further violence.

Lodo's funeral was held on November 1 and both the Head Brother Matthias Tovotasi, and primate of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Archbishop Philip Richardson have asked people to pray for the victims, the religious community and the victims' families.

The Melanesian Brotherhood was founded in 1925 by Ini Kopuria, a policeman, as an evangelistic movement. Members live in households of up to six and follow a daily cycle of prayers.

The Brothers helped broker a ceasefire and a peace agreement during civil unrest in 1999-2000. Seven of them were martyred after they sought to persuade one rebel leader, Harold Keke to lay down his arms; an icon to them stands in Canterbury Cathedral.

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