TV Land's new show 'Teachers' slammed for 'vile, disgusting and disturbing' content

The new show 'Teachers' by TV Land is said to be filled with sexual innuendos and encounters. (Facebook/Teachers on TV Land)

As harmless as the new show "Teachers" from TV Land might sound, the entertainment watchdog group One Million Moms is strongly warning viewers on its "vile, disgusting and disturbing" content.

Monica Cole writes in Charisma News that the previews of "Teachers" alone are "disgusting," adding that what she saw was "disturbing."

"The series airs on Wednesdays at 10:30 p.m. EST with a 14-L rating, but the previews air much earlier in the evening when children are likely watching television," she says. "The advertisements for 'Teachers' are airing during shows such as the 'Andy Griffith Show' and other family-friendly programs. If the promos are this bad, then obviously the show is not suitable for television."

Cole says every scene in "Teachers" is filled with sexual innuendos, implications, or encounters. There are scenes of school nurses uttering curse words, two female teachers engaging in make-out sessions, a male janitor and a female teacher caught in a compromising situation, mockery against Christians, and God's name used in vain, she says.

In one scene, one teacher is seen removing her pantyhose in front of a classroom of students and superintendent, she points out.

"One Million Moms wants to support and encourage teachers, not belittle, mock or bring them down as TV Land is doing. Everyone knows that the entertainment industry desensitises viewers, especially impressionable young minds," Cole says.

She calls TV Land's newest show "Teachers" as "irresponsible" and "an insult to all teachers."

"The network is encouraging crude dialogue, offensive gestures at school, teachers being cruel to young children and questioning authority," she says.

The show's Facebook page has over 47,000 likers already, but the comments to its posts aren't positive at all. People have called on the network to put down the show because it is "dumb" while others called it "just another trash and a degrading show."

"And they call themselves the family channel," someone remarked against TV Land. "They need (to) change their TV name. I hope it [doesn't] last."

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