Comedian Bill Cosby continues to be hounded by allegations of past sexual misconduct, which he virtually confirmed with his recent admission that he gave sedative drugs to women he intended to have sex with.
Amid the growing public furore over Cosby's unsavoury past, African-American network Bounce TV has decided to stop airing the series "Cosby" indefinitely, while Centric Network has chosen to pull "The Cosby Show" off the air.
"Cosby" was first aired on CBS from 1996 to 2000, and starred the defamed personality and other stars including Phylicia Kim Rashard, Madeline Kahn, Junree Smollett, and many others. On the other hand, "The Cosby Show" aired from 1984 up until 1982.
According to Charisma News, Cosby sparked further controversy after he admitted obtaining quaaludes, a heavy sedative drugs, which he said he gave to women he had sex with.
The Cosby sex scandal began last year when the television personality was publicly accused of rape by a number of women he had worked with.
Aside from the removal of his shows, people are urging President Barack Obama to revoke Cosby's Presidential Medal of Freedom, which was given to him in 2002 by former President George W. Bush.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honour. The group called Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment (PAVE) believes that Cosby is undeserving of that distinction.
In an online petition at the WhiteHouse.gov, the group called on President Obama to take immediate action regarding that matter.
"This award was given to Mr. Cosby under false pretences," PAVE Executive Director Angela Rose said. "The White House was clearly not aware that Cosby would be accused of multiple counts of sexual violence. As such, we urge President Obama to take the unprecedented action of revoking this award and that Bill Cosby's name be expunged from any official lists of recipients."