Documents presented by U.S. lawmakers show that Planned Parenthood profited in exchange for selling foetal organs and tissue.
The House Select Panel on Infant Lives on Thursday unveiled the documents that included invoices submitted from an abortion provider to a biomedical firm.
Three documents showed charges of $6,010 in February 2014; $9,060 in March 2011; and $11,365 in August 2012, according to Life Site News.
Of the $11,365 invoice, $9,405 was listed as donations of "POCs," which meant "products of conception," or unborn children's organs and tissues.
While the documents were redacted, observers noted that the companies in question were Planned Parenthood and StemExpress.
U.S. federal law bars profiting from the sale of human organs and tissues.
One person paid an organ procurement firm $3,340 for four "human fetal brains" while another paid $890 for the "upper and lower limbs with hands and feet."
The released documents purportedly reinforced the undercover videos that showed Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood saying that the abortion service provider considers the procurement firm's organ requests before doing abortions and sometimes the procedure is altered to ensure that organs are not damaged.
Technicians get $10 an hour, plus "a per tissue or blood bonus" of up to $75, depending on the type and number of organs or tissue samples extracted.
The Center for Medical Progress previously released a copy of an ad of StemExpress highlighting the profitable arrangement that organ procurement offered.
"The financial documents uncovered by the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives prove that Planned Parenthood profited from the sale of aborted baby parts to their long-time business partner StemExpress," CMP said.
Meanwhile, the Iowa House of Representatives voted 56-42 Wednesday to pass a bill to defund Planned Parenthood.
"Iowans support reducing the number of abortions performed in our state," the measure stated.
The bill is supported by Republican Governor Terry Branstad.
"I've made a recommendation that is consistent with what House Republicans have been working on the last couple of years," Branstad said.
"Thank you to everyone who spoke out! The Iowa House just defunded the abortion industry!" Iowa Right to Life said.