A school district in Michigan has stopped implementing a policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms according to their gender identity after a father pulled out his three sons from a school over the issue.
The Howell Public School District decided to suspend its compliance with a federal order on the transgender bathroom policy while gathering feedback on the issue.
"At this time, we do not currently have any students using a restroom other than that designated for their biological gender, or requesting to do so," said Howell Public Schools Superintendent Eric McGregor, according to LifeSite News.
"We are pausing on the federal guidance issued to all school districts across the nation...while we work to...gather feedback on this matter," he said.
Last month, a father decided to pull out of three sons from the Southwest Elementary School until the school district explained why a girl was allowed to use the boys' bathroom.
Matt Stewart said his nine-year-old son told him that "there was a girl in the bathroom" and the girl was told by a school staff member "to look at the wall" while boys were told to stand closer to the urinals, according to the Detroit Free Press.
"I have three children in Southwest Elementary School and they are being humiliated and intimidated," Stewart said. "Our kids are absent from school until there's a policy in place that keeps them from being humiliated or intimidated."
Stewart's boys are now back in school.
Former presidential candidate Gary Bauer said, "Parents should join hands and respond by telling their local schools that if they surrender to these demands, they will take their children out of that local school and find another alternative to educate them," LifeSite News reports.
Bauer, president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, said parents who will follow the Stewart's family's decision will accomplish two things: "Reminding local school officials they work for you, and, teaching your children that fighting back against big government is as old as the American Revolution."
He accused the Obama administration of bullying low income and disadvantaged students by threatening to withhold federal education funds.