A UK school teacher has had her pupils send letters of support to Al Qaeda affiliated fighters in Syria.
The handwritten letters were addressed to Jabhat al-Nusra fighters, referred to as "our brothers" by the children.
The letters, written in both English and Arabic, were penned by pupils of an unidentified teacher who shared them on her Twitter account.

She kept her identity secret on social media using the handle @irhabiyya_18, which translates to "terrorist_18", and not using an image of herself in her profile picture.
The Twitter account was used to promote the jihad; she shared extremist views alongside pictures of beheadings on the account.
She captioned the photos of the letters she shared: "lil kids put their heads together to 'post' letters to the muhajideed J."
She then said "Please encourage these lil enthusiastic daughters of the ummah... they eagerly awaiting a response..."

The letters refer to the jihadis as "diamonds among stones" and "heroes" and vow support for savage acts. Many are signed off with decorative handprints.

One letter states that when they are made "mothers of sons we will send them to you to become heroes like you."
The letters were discovered by American think tank The Middle East Media Research Institute online and the Twitter account has now been suspended.