US Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michal Curry was admitted to hospital last weekend after experiencing some health issues, his denomination has said.
Bishop Curry was treated at a hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina, for internal bleeding and an irregular heartbeat, and has since been sent home.
"Curry's internal bleeding is under control, and additional test results are expected later this week. He has been receiving treatment for atrial fibrillation (AFib), which was detected in an annual physical," said the Church.
"While in the hospital, Curry experienced two other episodes of irregular heartbeat, and he will wear a heart monitor to determine what further treatment is necessary."
Although he has been released from hospital, the presiding bishop will stay in Raleigh until he is cleared for travel.
In the meantime, he will rest and work from home "on a reduced schedule", his office said.
The statement concluded with a request for prayer.
"As more information becomes available regarding Curry's health and schedule, his staff will provide updates," it said.
"Please pray for a full and speedy recovery — and for Curry's medical team as they identify the best course of treatment."
Curry has been presiding bishop of the TEC USA since 2015. In 2018, he conducted the wedding ceremony of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.