Vatican releases note to end 'growing confusion' on evangelisation

The Vatican has released a detailed note in response to concerns that its mission work across the world could be hindered by incorrect ideas about evangelisation.

Last Friday the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith issued a note on the Catholic understanding of the mission of evangelisation to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The note said, "Every person has the right to hear the 'Good News' of the God who reveals and gives himself in Christ, so that each one can live out in its fullness his or her proper calling...This right implies the corresponding duty to evangelise."

The note also claimed that there was "growing confusion" about evangelisation which made mission work "ineffective". One of the problems it cited was the belief that "any attempt to convince others on religious matters is a limitation of their freedom".

Instead of bringing people to Christ, missionaries have encouraged people "to act according to their consciences... [to] become more human or more faithful to their own religion... [or] to build communities which strive for justice, freedom, peace and solidarity".

Another problem encountered was the view that there is no need to preach Christ to those who have not heard of him because it is "possible to be saved without explicit knowledge of Christ and without formal incorporation in the Church".

It was noted that human beings are capable of using God-given intellect and will, and through this are able to seek, know and love God.

However, the note also said that individuals could not hope to find the truth by their own individual efforts but also needed to recognise the need for help from others.

On these grounds, the note claimed actions of teaching and entering into dialogue with people in order to lead them to Christ was not an "inappropriate encroachment" but was a "legitimate endeavour and a service capable of making human relationships more fruitful".

The note said that evangelisation and the spreading of the truth of the gospel was a positive influence on cultures. In addition, the process of evangelisation allowed members of the Catholic Church to become more open to receiving the benefits of other traditions and cultures.

The note clearly stated that coercion and improper enticement in evangelisation is wrong and that evangelising new people into the Church was "not the expansion of a power-group, but rather entrance into the network of friendship with Christ".

The note proclaimed that the primary motivation of evangelism is "the love of Christ for the eternal salvation of all". The note also warned Christians against becoming indifferent towards truth and goodness for fear of offending religious freedom.

The document finished by looking at the ecumenical implications of its mission of evangelisation. It claimed that divisions within the Christian church undermined the credibility of evangelisation and so argued that a more united church would lead to more successful evangelisation.

Evangelisation in countries occupied by non-Catholic Christians should be done with "both true respect for the tradition and spiritual riches of such countries as well as a sincere spirit of cooperation", the note said

"In this connection, it needs also to be recalled that if a non-Catholic Christian, for reasons of conscience and having been convinced of Catholic truth, asks to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church, this is to be respected as the work of the Holy Spirit and as an expression of freedom of conscience and of religion."
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