Victoria Osteen, wife of popular Christian speaker and author Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church, can still recall the time when she and her husband were still getting to know each other.
"When Joel and I first started dating, we had a mutual friend. Joel would talk to this friend and ask about me, 'Does she like me?' Or, 'What did she say about our date?' Our friend would say, 'Yes, she likes you. Keep doing what you are doing,'" Victoria shares on their blog.
Because Joel knew Victoria was interested in him, he was able to muster up the confidence to pursue her. It was only after the happy Christian couple drew closer to one another that Joel finally experienced firsthand that Victoria truly liked him.
"He didn't need someone else to tell him because he knew it from me directly. Our love began to grow, and now 29 years later, we are still learning about each other and experiencing one another's love in new ways," says Victoria.
In the same way, people's love for God will only grow if people experience it firsthand, says Victoria. "So many people hear about God's love from friends and family, but they haven't taken the step to pursue His love. They haven't experienced it yet. Other people have experienced His love, but they don't continue to develop and grow in it," she says.
Victoria says a lot of people hold themselves back in pursuing God's love because they think they are unworthy, but she is urging people to get over their qualms and have confidence in God.
"I want to remind us all to have confidence to pursue His love. His love for us never changes. Keep drawing close to Him. Let His love in and let it shine in your heart," she says. "Know that God is always drawing us, and no matter how long you've known Him, there are still higher heights and deeper depths to His love."