A Virginia pastor slammed those who support same-sex marriage, gun control and abortion, claiming that "50 million have been killed by" abortionists.
In his video sermon "What Does the Bible Plainly Say?", Pastor Jim Hill pushed for the restoration of traditional marriage in the United States, according to Raw Story.
"If you've got a good marriage, you can't buy that, you can't order that, you can't recover that. Don't let it get away," he said. "God ordained male and female, not male and male and female and female. He said Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. He means man and a woman makes up the marriage. And the children make up the home."
"Let's go and make a family unit once again. Let's make it like it's supposed to be," he urged his flock.
Hill also expressed shock at the malpractices done in abortion clinics. "First thing they [abortionists] want to do is bash [the babies'] brains out, cut [their] throat, chop them up like chopped liver or chickens, sell the parts. First think you know, they'll start selling everything but the crying. And they'll find a way for that," he said.
The pastor claimed that 50 million babies have already been killed and thrown in the garbage and sold.
He said women who didn't want babies should not engage in sex. "Keep your pants zipped up and keep your legs crossed instead of getting out here and having illegitimate children," he said.
Hill likened President Barack Obama's new gun control executive actions to what Adolf Hitler did to Poland.
"You know, that's what Hitler did to Poland and Hungary and all those countries when he took them over. The Second Amendment gives us the right to protect ourselves. Protect us from who? Number one, the government! I'm afraid of my government, I'm scared of my government, I don't trust my government," Hill said.
He added, "I used to like it but I don't like it anymore. You know why? Because it's out to get me, it's out to disarm me, it's out to kill me, it's out to stop me from worshipping God."
Hill told his followers to "hang on" to their guns as this is the only way to stop rapists "whoremongers that want to storm in and take over your property, take over your family, kill your wife."