The US Supreme Court is "too liberal" and justices should be voted off and only serve for a limited term—these were the prevalent sentiments expressed in a comprehensive survey on people's rating of the US Supreme Court, President Barack Obama and presidential candidates as well as opinion on religion issues.
The poll was conducted by Fox News from July 13 to 15 among 1,019 registered voters.
Based on the poll, 45 percent said the US Supreme Court is "too liberal" while 34 percent said it is doing its job "about right." A total of 16 percent said it is "too conservative."
When asked if justices should continue to be allowed to serve as long as they want, or should they only serve for a limited term, 72 percent said they should serve for a limited term while 25 percent said they should serve as long as they want.
In addition, 62 percent said Americans should have the ability to vote justices off the US Supreme Court while 34 percent said "no."
Half of the respondents approved the US Supreme Court's decision to legalise same-sex marriage while 43 percent said they don't.
When asked about President Obama's performance, 48 percent said they disapprove while 47 percent they approve. His approval rating went up from 44 percent in the same poll conducted last June. His disapproval rating went down from 50 percent last June.
Respondents were also asked about Donald Trump's call to have a wall on the US-Mexico border and his comments that Mexico is "sending people that have lots of problems...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Fifty-three percent said he is wrong on the issue while 44 percent said he is right.
More than half, 54 percent, dismissed Trump, calling him a "loudmouth" while 34 percent said they admire him for his guts.
Meanwhile, 49 percent said Congress should move on from its investigation of then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's handling of the Benghazi, Libya attack while 47 percent said it should continue investigating.
Among likely Republican primary voters, 18 percent said they want Trump as the Republican presidential nominee followed by Scott Walker with 15 percent support, Jeb Bush 14 percent, Rand Paul 8 percent, Ben Carson 6 percent, Ted Cruz 4 percent, Mike Huckabee 4 percent, Chris Christie 3 percent and John Kasich 2 percent.
Among likely Democratic primary voters, Clinton was the runaway winner with 56 percent support followed by Bernie Sanders with only 19 percent, Joe Biden 8 percent and Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chafee with 1 percent each.
Asked what they feel about organised religion's influence in the US, 53 percent it is losing while 10 percent said it is gaining. A total of 34 percent said it is still the same.
On gaining influence, 51 percent said it is bad while 42 percent said it is good. On organised religion losing influence, 73 percent it is bad while 18 percent said it is good.
Among respondents, 56 percent said they fell that Christianity is under attack in the United States while 42 percent said "no."