WATCH: Billy Graham's electrifying preaching in 5 videos

Billy Graham preaching in 1966.

Billy Graham's electrifying preaching style reached more than 200 million people around the world over the course of his lifetime.

His career began as chief preacher at Youth for Christ rallies in the 1940s which provided the model for his 'crusades' that he went on to take all around the world.

in 1949 he held a three-week 'mammoth tent crusade' in downtown Los Angeles inside a 6,000-seat 'canvas cathedral' before taking them further afield. In 1957, he drew more than 2 million people to a series of rallies, extended to 16 weeks, at Madison Square Garden in New York.

His rallies also proved immensely popular in the UK and in 1954 he organised a series of events packing 11,000 people in Harringay arena in London each night. On the final night 120,000 filled Wembley Stadium to hear Graham's rousing call urging people to commit themselves to the gospel.

This news reel summed up that event:

Here are five of Billy Graham's most watched sermons, starting off with that famous night in Wembley, 1954.

He went on to hold another campaign in the UK in 1984, including this message in Sheffield.

But outside the UK Graham was hailed a hero, and a founder, of the modern evangelical movement in the US. Here he is preaching on 'Who is Jesus?' in Chicago, 1971.

Billy Graham's preaching style mellowed over the years, as you can see from his message in South Carolina, 1987:

Finally in 2015 with the man himself unable to preach, the organisation he set up, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, produced this message for the UK: 

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