Daniel and Amy McArthur have spoken about the ordeal of a court trial as their appeal will return to Belfast High Court on Monday.
You can watch their full interview below which was given ahead of their first appeal in February 2016.
That appeal was halted after a dramatic intervention by Northern Ireland's Attorney General. The case was postponed and will return to court on Monday 9 May, two years exactly after the order for the cake was first made.
Gareth Lee requested a cake that featured the Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie with the slogan: "Support gay marriage". He paid the £36.50 in full and had wanted the cake for a private function to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.
However two days later Lee received a phone call from Ashers to say they would be unable to complete the order because of the slogan. Lee said he left the encounter feeling like a lesser person, leading to the ruling that Ashers had discriminated against him. The company was ordered to pay £500 in damages and the county judge who delivered the verdict said religious belief could not dictate the law.
However the McArthurs insist they refused the order on the basis of the slogan that supported gay marriage, not because Lee was himself gay. They said the slogan contradicted their Christian faith.
A petition to support the McArthur family "in their stand for freedom of speech and freedom of conscience" was launched by The Christian Institute (CI) and has over 16,000 signatures.
In the interview produced by the CI, Amy McArthur spoke of how the trial has strengthened their marriage and trust in God.
"God has said he will never leave us or forsake us and I have really found that to be true. When I am tempted to worry about the case and the outcome it a great reminder to me that God is in control."
She continued: "No matter the outcome, it will be for our good and his glory.
"The court case (first) was probably the most emotionally draining thing I have been through yet.
"God has used it to strengthen our marriage and strengthen our relationship with him as well."