Warning that the US faces a new "Hitler with nuclear arms," a solid front of Republican lawmakers joined by some of their Democratic colleagues overwhelmingly rejected President Barack Obama's nuclear accord with Iran at a symbolic vote in the US House of Representatives on Friday.
The Republican-controlled House approved a resolution disapproving the Iran nuclear deal, with 269 voting for and 162 voting against.
Twenty-five Democrats went against Obama's lead and instead joined Republicans in rejecting the controversial deal, which requires Iran to redesign, convert, and reduce its nuclear facilities.
The House vote against the Iran nuclear deal is considered to be a symbolic one, meant only to underscore the Republican lawmakers' objection to the accord. The vote will not have an effect on the implementation of the deal.
In blocking the Iran nuclear deal, the House Republicans asserted that the agreement will only empower the world's largest sponsor of terrorism.
They also maintained that the Obama administration was not able meet the requirements of a congressional review period on the deal by failing to disclose what "side deals" it made with Iran.
Arizona Rep. Matt Salmon said the deal will only allow Iran to become a bigger "menace" in the Middle East.
"The benefits afforded Iran will enable them to, with our approval, construct new weapons, fund their well-known terrorist allies, and continue to menace Israel, one of our closest allies and the only democratic government in the Middle East," Salmon said.
"Iran can't be trusted. This has been made clear time and time again. Yet this agreement is founded on trusting Iran," he added.
North Carolina Rep. Robert Pittenger, meanwhile, maintained that the Iran nuclear deal will only endanger both America and Israel.
"We are facing a Hitler with nuclear arms. Iran has stated their goal of wiping Israel off the map, and now we have enabled Iranian development of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching America," Pittenger said.
Aside from rejecting the Iran nuclear deal, the House also approved a separate resolution that will block the US government from releasing billions of dollars held up through five years of crippling sanctions against Iran.
The US Senate, dominated by Democrats, earlier gave its blessing to the Iran nuclear deal, by blocking Republicans' effort to kill the nuclear agreement.