Claiming that evolution is a religion, a man from West Virginia has sued education officials for teaching in schools Charles Darwin's popular theory that human beings share a common ancestry with apes and monkeys.
Kenneth Smith, a father from Jefferson County, filed a complaint against local, state and federal education officials for supposedly allowing the teaching of "evolutionary ideology" that "just doesn't exist and has no math to back it."
In his four-page complaint, Smith also claimed that the teaching of evolution in American schools represents "the propagation of religious faith."
The complainant, who has filed similar lawsuits in 2007 and 2010, likewise accused education officials of hindering his daughter's goal of becoming a veterinarian by allowing class discussions on Darwin's theory.
"Their actions during the 2014-2015 school year affects my child's future directly through the state grading system to enter college and the ability to earn economic security and a good job in her chosen veterinarian medical field of work," Smith said in his lawsuit.
The father from West Virginia further claimed that the current practice of teaching evolution in schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. This provision in the Constitution prevents the state from having any bias towards a particular religion.
Smith, who authored a book called "The True Origin of Man," also said in his complaint that education officials across the country had chosen to ignore his "accurate scientific mathematical system of genetic variations that proves evolution is a religion."
In his book, the complainant said he has uncovered "the ultimate discovery" about "the truth of man's origins confirmed by DNA mathematical and scientific facts."
Smith represented himself in his lawsuit and demanded a trial by jury. No formal response has been received in relation to his complaint.