An excorcist in Los Angeles has warned Christians about the things they must never, ever do if they are to avoid demonic possession.
Dabbling with the spiritual world can be seen as innocent fun and games by many people but the exorcist, identified only as Father Robert because of the sensitivies of his work, said they are anything but.
Not only are they going against God's commands, they are actually opening the door to demons, not good spirits.
It's this interaction with demons that makes him say that the Ouija board is an absolute no no for people.
'The Ouija board is something to be avoided at all cost. This is a direct invitation for a demon to move the object on the board,' he said in an interview with FaithWire. "God and angels have nothing to do with parlor games. These methods of conjuring spirits go against the first commandment. This is the reason why King Saul initially had all sorcery banned from Judah.'
Sadly, many Christian churches and seminaries do not teach in depth about the spiritual world and particularly the presence of demons and because of this, many people are ignorant about them.
That goes against Jesus' teaching practice as he openly spoke about demons and how to combat them during his earthly ministry.
In fact, it's because Jesus talked about them so much we can know they are real, explains Father Robert.
'Jesus talks about it. Therefore, they exist,' he told Faithwire.
Father Roberts, who is a priest in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has learned a lot about demons and how they operate. He explained that they actually have the 'nature of angels' because they were originally created by God as angels. And because of that, they also have 'infused knowledge of creation.'
But they changed from being good to bad after rebelling against God. They were expelled from Heaven because they refused to serve their Creator and His creation.
Father Robert revealed an interesting limitation, though. While we can think demons are all-powerful and can do anything for us that we ask them to, the truth is they are limited by 'what God allows them to do.'
And he starkly warns that humans are deceived if they think demons or demonic power will benefit them or work on their behalf in any way.
'They will get us to believe that they will do things for us but they said from the beginning they will not serve God. Do you think that they will serve us?' he said.