"Why do I keep finding Mr. Wrong?" This is a question single women keep asking themselves and there is no definite answer unfortunately. However, today, we will look into the possible causes of the repetitive outcome, see if we can identify the underlying cause and perhaps, get you on the right path to finding Mr. Right.
So you pray to God every day to give you your own Prince Charming. You've dated a couple of men but nothing lasted. You've been waiting for years to find your soul mate but to no avail and at this point, you honestly don't know why.
The thing is, when a man breaks your heart once, we can charge it to experience. On the other hand, when you keep finding the wrong guy over and over, that could mean that there's a possible underlying problem within yourself.
You may not realize, but you may be the one that is sabotaging your own relationships. You don't intend to, but your inner insecurities are leading you to the wrong guy. Let's see some of these reasons and check if some resonates with you:
1. Low Self-Esteem
Having low self-esteem is one of the biggest reasons why you find Mr. Wrong. You don't value yourself enough, which is why you think that anyone who likes you should suffice. You think that you're not attractive enough or don't have much to offer, so if someone likes you, you consider yourself lucky.
2. Can't Be Alone
You simply can't live and be alone. You crave for company and that's enough for you. You don't need a quality man, as long as you are with someone, you're good.
3. No to Change
You like your comfort zone and you think a man who walks in your life should not disrupt what's going on in your comfort zone. Anything that points to change is unacceptable to you. You want things a certain way and if that guy doesn't follow, you find another man who will.
Mind you, addressing your inner issues won't take overnight. Reading these problems here won't immediately make you realize as well. But what I suggest is that you look into your past relationships, see what took place and how the relationship ended. Maybe from there, you'll find a pattern and identify which self-sabotaging behavior you are doing.
Now, don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean that every relationship that fell apart is your fault. Nonetheless, it won't do any harm to also reflect on how you are as a girlfriend in relationships especially if it will help you find Mr. Right, right? Moving forward, what can you do to find the right man?
4. Focus on God not the man
Sometimes, when we really want something, we put all our focus and attention on that "something," which of course is wrong. Remember, as a child of God, your first priority is serving the Lord and you should do just that; the waiting should just happen on the side. God should always be in the center; don't lose sight of Him.
5. Value Yourself
Let me tell you this, no one else can make you feel that you're valuable other than yourself. Your loved ones can tell you all the good things but if you don't truly believe in yourself, then it's pointless. Always remember that God loves you and the mere fact that he loves you means you're special and worthy. As a result, that is what other people will see in you too.
6. Qualities of A Christian Man
Mr. Right must have the qualities of a Christian man. You cannot adjust your standards just for the sake of having a boyfriend or a husband. You need someone who has the same faith as you; a man whose life is centered on God. There will be no negotiations here, period.
Getting rid of Mr. Wrong is all about fixing your eyes on God. Believe in God's plans for you. Know your worth. Love yourself. And when it's the right time, Mr. Right will come along and will take your heart away, with God's blessing of course!