Woman turns to Jesus after realising her 'spirit guide' was a demon deceiving her on her health problem


She thought her "spirit guide" would improve her health and heal her high blood pressure.

But Annie later realised that the "spirit guide" was actually a demon and that it was all a deception, according to Mission Network News.

"I had absolutely no idea who they were. I just thought they were someone I went to in a room and talked to. And they listened to me, but they didn't usually say things back, but I would get impressions," Annie says, describing the seminar where her session with the spirit guide took place.

At first, she thought it had a beneficial effect on her since her blood pressure really did go down.

"I was getting knowledge, I could even tell people things that we're not supposed to know — like what their dream was the night before or something they're worried about. And it made me feel like I was powerful," she says.

A few years after she stopped going to the occult healing seminar, Annie met a missionary while with her husband who was working abroad, and she confided her occult experience to her. The Christian leader told her that she had actually been working with demons and needed to confess and repent.

Another missionary encouraged her to read the Bible.

"I had nothing else, I had no TV, no magazines, no newspaper, basically no friends who spoke English at this point, so I read the Bible — every single day," Annie says.

It was only after several months of reading the Bible that Annie finally realised that Jesus Christ "was real."

Several months later she became a Christian. She also convinced her husband to accept Christ as well.

"Since then, both of us being now with the Lord, it's entirely different," Annie says.

Annie now knows that the truth cannot be found by communicating with spirits but only through Jesus Christ.

She encourages believers to read their Bibles faithfully so they are not overwhelmed by the deception of the enemy.

She shares a verse which she says has helped her a lot since she became a Christian. It's Deuteronomy 31:8: "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

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