World Council of Churches Congratulates Lutheran World Federation on 60th Anniversary
The "strong relationship" between the LWF and the World Council of Churches WCC was characterised "not only by mutual accountability and reciprocity on the journey towards unity, but by the common witness of the member churches in the service of all humanity", said a message addressed to the LWF on its 60th anniversary by the WCC.
The WCC congratulated the LWF for "60 years of growth in communion and witness", and evoked its "tireless efforts" to foster "a Lutheran identity that is ecumenically committed and open to sharing generously its gifts of spirit and resources".
The message was delivered on March 24 by WCC central committee moderator, the Rev Dr Walter Altmann, during a LWF Council meeting in Lund, Sweden.
It anticipates "a future of even closer collaboration" in responding to the "changing ecclesial and ecumenical contexts of our time", as well as to "urgent issues facing churches today" - including globalisation and economic injustice, HIV and AIDS, violence and the violation of human rights, and in the area of ecumenical formation.