Worshiping the King this Christmas


Christmas is almost upon us. Have you wrapped all the presents, bought the turkey, and started to make up beds for family and friends that will be staying with you?

This time of year is really busy isn't it? There are a few Christmas services still to attend/run too. And what about those films your kids are desperate to see, and the now seemingly obligatory visits to Santa available at every shopping and garden centre...

I asked you in my last column what you would do if God wanted to interrupt your plans this Christmas. Whether He has or not, how have you made room for Him in these last couple of weeks?

I know Christmas can be a really pressurised time of year, as there is simply so much to organise and the coming together of people who don't see each other regularly can be stressful.

But amongst all the heightened commercialisation of the season, how have you been worshipping the King?

Black Friday showed us how much our culture worships material goods – people were fighting over things they really don't need just to get a 'bargain'.

So, as we approach Christmas itself, I think it's really important to slow down, just for a minute or two, and ask, 'Am I worshipping the King in my Christmas plans?'.

I know that we worship God year-round, and that worship isn't about singing songs but a daily way of life. However, don't you think Christmas is a great opportunity to express that worship in a fresh way, rather than being swept along the tide of eating, drinking, swapping presents and generally over indulging all round?

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I'm not knocking the food and festivities by the way. I LOVE having kids at this time of year – watching them wide eyed as they open their presents and then enjoying playing with new toys has given Christmas a new lease of life for me. And it's great when we honour people we love with gifts...but have we thought about the way we honour God during this season?

I long for each of us to listen to that little whisper that says, "I'm right here. Spend time with me."

We focus on Jesus' arrival on earth at Christmas, but so often get caught up in all the busy-ness of the season that we forget that Jesus is actually there too, waiting patiently to spend time with us! He is longing for us to truly connect with Him over the holiday season.

Spending time with Him will probably look different for all of us – for some it may mean taking a bit of time out from a very noisy household to spend in quiet meditation before Him, for others reaching out to those who are lonely this Christmas – whatever it is that you can feel your inner being nudging you to do.

So enjoy spending time with family and friends, eating great food and playing silly games (a vital component of Christmas of course!). But please don't forget to check in regularly with the most important guest in your home this Christmas: your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

What new way can you honour the King this Christmas time?

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