The Xbox One X will be released in the next several weeks and Microsoft has given more reasons to the public to buy their latest console.
Many Xbox One users have noted the user interface (UI) and dashboard of the console, saying that the home screen is bloated with too many menu options. In the Xbox One X, however, Microsoft made sure that this will no longer be the case.
In an interview with VG 247, Microsoft Xbox and Windows vice president Mike Ybarra revealed that the Xbox One X UI and dashboard will be different from that of the first Xbox One. Users can expect general improvements in the UI, having designed it to make the console's optimum performance a priority.
Microsoft has already added many features and fixes in the current Xbox One dashboard, although the additional content in the UI did not necessarily help in making it less cluttered.
If anything, the added features only made the experience worse than it already was, and some users hoped that the console's new dashboard would be much simpler and easy to understand.
Enter the new Xbox One X, which will not only boast major hardware and graphics upgrades but also lessen the unnecessary items in the dashboard. This way, players can navigate through the Xbox One X home screen more easily.
With this announcement, Ybarra stated that there is still no final design for the Xbox One X dashboard. The company still wants to hear the feedback from users before coming up with a design. After all, there are still a few weeks before the Xbox One X is officially launched on Nov. 7.
For current Xbox One owners, the enhanced UI of the Xbox One X is expected to be brought out to previous-generation consoles as well, including the Xbox One S variant, according to Video Gamer.
"We designed this UI to be across the whole family and to only use a static amount of system resources so that even on S and the original Xbox One it runs absolutely great," Ybarra said.