Yearlong Methodist Prayer Marathon Concludes

|TOP|Pray Without Ceasing, a 14-month prayer marathon hosted by the Methodist Church, concluded recently as church members celebrated the fruits of the venture.

The ‘year of prayer’ kicked off with early-morning celebrations on a beach in Torquay in June 2005, before it travelled throughout the UK and finished in North Wales on 1 September 2006.

The prayer marathon, as an initiative of the young people of the Methodist Church, encouraged churches and individuals to focus on prayer, affirm that already taking place and encourage fresh thinking about prayer.

Despite a number of national events, such as a multi-faith prayer conference, the main work has taken place in the local churches.

Following a positive response, Methodists are determined that the spirit and creativity of Pray Without Ceasing should be carried forward into daily church and personal life.

The events in the estimated 22,000 hours spent in prayer included a prayer graffiti wall, Celtic prayers, an overnight youth prayer lock-in and dance workshops. The Kidderminster and Stourport Circuit even chartered a train on which to pray through different stops, with a candlelit communion service held on the platform at Upper Arley train station.

|AD|Rev Michaela Youngson, Methodist Secretary for Pastoral Care and Spirituality, said; "We hope that people have found that their relationship with God has deepened as a result of this renewed focus on prayer. We've been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and creativity of Methodists across the UK. Although the Connexional Team has produced many of the resources, it is the local church communities who have really caught the vision and so many inspiring stories have come out of it - a church in Mississippi has been so touched by it that they hope to launch their own year of prayer."

Expressing the positive response found throughout the UK, Harry Alton, of the Chester-le-Street Circuit, said; "When we get to the end of this year, there is no suggestion that we will stop praying; it is good to be reminded again of the importance of prayer and, because life is a moment by moment experience - that prayer is too - wherever we are, whatever we are doing."

The year of prayer has been supported by a website, offering resources, ideas, forums, details of events and even an online prayer space.

Though the year has ended, will continue to offer ideas and inspiration to individuals and churches seeking a new dimension to prayer.
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