People have often wondered how dinosaurs ever fit into the Bible, but Creation Museum founder Ken Ham said that this shouldn't be the case and people should be using the Bible to explain dinosaurs.
"You see, those who are trying to squeeze dinosaurs somewhere into the Bible are usually starting with man's interpretation of dinosaurs, based on fallible man's ideas about the past, and can't understand how the Bible and this understanding of dinosaurs go together," he wrote in his Answers in Genesis blog. "But we shouldn't be starting with man's ideas about the past! We need to start our thinking with God's Word in every area."
Ham said that dinosaurs are simply land animals created on day six of creation, and just like the rest of the animals created by God, dinosaurs were vegetarian until Adam and Eve sinned and rebelled against God, so they began to eat meat.
Ham does not think that dinosaurs are a mystery, especially if people begin looking at the history of God's Word. He also said that the Bible can easily explain dinosaurs, which are just another example of the the many wonderful creatures that God created in the beginning.
He said that the word dinosaur was not invented until the year 1841, when scientists needed a word for a particular group of land animals. And the only reason why dinosaurs were buried in sedimentary layers is because of the Great Flood created by God in Genesis 6 to 8.
"This catastrophic Flood would have ripped up miles of sediment, trapping and burying creatures that weren't on the Ark as it was re-deposited. These creatures turned into fossils that we dig up today. After the Flood, dinosaurs died out for many of the same reason species die out today: changes in climate, habitat, lack of food, human predation, and so on," he said.