Young Deaf Muslim Converts To Follow Jesus After Going To Church For Very First Time

A deaf Muslim has converted to follow Jesus. This is a stock pic.  Linda Buus, DOOR

A young deaf Muslim has converted to follow Jesus after being taken to church for the first time.

The Muslim youth, whose identity is being protected to safeguard him but who is being referred to as Ayo, had never been before.

Yet he found that he understood everything around him.

And as the service came to an end, he committed himself to following Jesus.

He shared his testimony with DOOR International's deaf 2-by-2 church planting team working in his community, and it has been picked up and promoted on its blog by the Bible translation organisation Wycliffe Associates.

"I know God used my friend to invite me to church today. I have never been to a Christian church before. I have grown up as a Muslim," said Ayo.

"I mostly go to the mosque with my family. I have to, since my family expects me to. But, as you know, there is nothing that I gain by attending the prayers.

"No one at the mosque knows sign language or cares about teaching me, a deaf person. I am the only non-hearing member of the family."

DOOR's deaf staff do the work of translating the Bible into the many different sign languages around the world. Organisations such as Wycliffe help support this work.

Ayo added: "Today I felt at home. I understood everything going on here. The approach to teaching God's Word has touched my heart. I have clearly seen myself in the life of the prodigal son. God touched me. I feel very much at peace.

"I have made up my mind to follow Jesus Christ, as taught today from God's Word. I know God accepts me just as the father accepted the prodigal son when he came back home. Please pray for me. I know there will be much opposition from my family and friends."

Wycliffe Associates said: "Each Deaf community has a unique sign language and culture of their own. It's our vision to see God's word reach each of these languages for the sake of people like Ayo. Please pray with us that God would raise up deaf leaders to take on the challenge of translating the Scriptures for their communities."

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