A 22-year-old TV news anchor used the "Final Thoughts" portion of her show on Monday to lash out at US President Barack Obama for apparently "caring more about Muslim sensitivity rather than the honour and sacrifice made by these Marines," referring to the shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Thursday last week where four Marines and a Navy sailor died at the hands of a Muslim assailant.
Tomi Lahren, an anchor at One American News Network, denounced Obama for his "half-way, half-baked, tip-toe, be-friendly-to-jihadis mentality."
The video of her TV commentary was posted on YouTube and has been viewed more than 3 million times.
"I care that this S.O.B. killed four of our United States Marines," Lehren said. "And I care that our commander-in-chief is more concerned with Muslim sensitivity than the honour and sacrifice made by these Marines."
"Climate change didn't kill them, lack of free community college didn't kill them, the income gap, wage inequality, nope, not those things either. Gay marriage? Nope. Oh, white racism? Not that either," Lehren said.
The young TV news anchor said it was "the 21st time our military men and women have been attacked here at home."
"President Obama, if you won't say it, I will—radical Islam. This is not workplace violence; this is not a criminal act with motives unknown—this is terrorism," Lehren said.
Referring to the servicemen's killer, 24-year-old Mohammad Abdulazeez, Lehren asked: "Was he linked to ISIS or al-Qaeda or Hamas, or any of the other 15-plus offshoot terrorist groups? Does it matter? I'm sorry, but radical Islam is becoming the rule, not the exception."
Lehren said she was angry because four US Marines and a Navy was fatally shot by a Muslim radical and all the commander-in-chief cares about is maintaining good relationship with Muslims. Coming from a family of Marines, Lehren said she knows of the sacrifices made by men in uniform, so it is unacceptable that their deaths are overlooked because of the president's "failed strategy" against terrorism.
This attack has become "an American problem" because it was done in American soil, and she believes it's time the US fights back.
"The radical Islamists have brought the fight right here to the red, white and blue, and it's about time we bring it to them, full force," Lehren said. "Let's show them what the United States of America looks like up close and personal."
"Show them what a B1 bomber looks like flying overhead. Show them what they're messing with," she added. "Put the fear of God in their desert, because clearly our lack of strategy isn't working."