Archie Catchpole

What we can learn about evil from the demon-possessed man and all those pigs in Mark 5
What we can learn about evil from the demon-possessed man and all those pigs in Mark 5

Mark 5:1-20 should be a happy story, given that Jesus deposes a demon and saves a man's life. But it's not. It's unsettling (and not only because pigs die). It exposes the ugly reality of evil – especially as Jesus expels it.

My experience of graduating into a Covid world
My experience of graduating into a Covid world

Graduating has seldom been easy. Jobs are hard to come by and the safety of studenthood dissipates almost immediately. Imagine graduating into a world near-paralysed by a pandemic.

Britain is still a Christian country? Why I'm not so excited
Britain is still a Christian country? Why I'm not so excited

It is good news though, right? Christianity isn't as socially irrelevant as some glum folk claim. I wish that I could agree with this comforting conclusion. Sadly, I find myself fearing a far more unsettling reality.

The Church needs its prophetic imagination – now as much as ever
The Church needs its prophetic imagination – now as much as ever

The Old Testament prophets possessed a prophetic imagination that refused to accept things as they were and sought to render them as they should be. Creation could do with some of that prophetic imagination right now

We can be angry with Trump and his Bible stunt, but we must be more angry that another black man has been unjustly killed
We can be angry with Trump and his Bible stunt, but we must be more angry that another black man has been unjustly killed

I have seen more Christians condemn Trump's use of the Bible for a political powerplay than they have Derek Chauvin's use of excessive force that killed George Floyd.

What the coronavirus pandemic feels like for a theology student
What the coronavirus pandemic feels like for a theology student

Maybe the resources are scarcer and the challenge is greater, but if we are students then it is our duty to do just that: study - however strange the backdrop.

What Simeon and Anna can teach us about effective witnessing
What Simeon and Anna can teach us about effective witnessing

We might need to clean up our act if we want people to take our testimony seriously.

An alternative arrival: learning from Palm Sunday at Advent
An alternative arrival: learning from Palm Sunday at Advent

For all the nativity's yuletide dominance, the quirks of the Anglican Second Service lectionary nudged a different arrival story onto centre stage on the First Sunday of Advent: Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.

We need to have a Word
We need to have a Word

In our eagerness to make ourselves heard, we continue (with most of Church history) to forget that Scripture asks only that we proclaim and obey it.

Theology might disappear, but it cannot die
Theology might disappear, but it cannot die

Considering that the Word of the Lord endures forever, God is not going to stop speaking. Neither do I think that we will stop responding simply because one subject has disappeared from university education.

Eugene Peterson beyond The Message - poet, pastor, prophet
Eugene Peterson beyond The Message - poet, pastor, prophet

Although The Message may be his most remembered work, the real legacy that Peterson leaves behind is as poet, pastor, and prophet.

When it's not OK to not be OK
When it's not OK to not be OK

On a very personal level, one of the best things we can do is to educate ourselves.

'Are those donuts free?' and other meaningful Spring Harvest questions
'Are those donuts free?' and other meaningful Spring Harvest questions

Masses upon masses descend upon Spring Harvest each year for one thing and one thing only: the exhibition tent.

Exegesis and #MeToo: The unlikely combo primed for a positive impact
Exegesis and #MeToo: The unlikely combo primed for a positive impact

Let's face it, theology and cutting-edge social movements fighting sexual harassment seem to be worlds apart.

Reflections on resignations: God is still good
Reflections on resignations: God is still good

Even if our insatiable desire for gossip finds this infuriating, a lot of the time we don't know many details about these incidents. Nor do we necessarily need to.

After the cross: Reconciliatory mediation, the continuing work of Christ
After the cross: Reconciliatory mediation, the continuing work of Christ

We can focus so much on what Jesus once did for us that we forget who he still is for us.