Current page: Reporter / David Robertson
About David Robertson
David Robertson is Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland and a regular contributor to Christian Today.
David Robertson
The problem with the King's Gospel
If only the King would listen to what Jesus teaches, he would find that peace on earth comes only through Christ, not through the many contrary faiths and philosophies.
Mythmas or Christmas?
Jesus is no myth. He is the ultimate reality and he is the reality we all need.
An open letter to my MP (and yours) on assisted suicide
This new law would not be a mild change to the law, enabling a compassionate approach to a few suffering people who need it. This would be a fundamental change in society, written into law.
The secular sacrament of abortion
So why is there this obsession with abortion? How have we moved from 'it should be safe and rare' to it now being a badge of honour? When did questioning abortion and arguing for the right of the baby to live, become a badge of fascism?
Where is Jordan Peterson on his spiritual journey?
Peterson has been a gateway to Christianity for many people. But where does he stand himself?
Fact checking abortion
In a world of darkness and lies it is time for us to bring truth and light on this issue.
Life After Doom
Personally, I have no problem with believing in human sinfulness in these areas – and in many others. But Brian McLaren takes a shallow, limited view – it is really the bad news without the Good News.
The UK election – a new start and new sense of hope?
Let's try to avoid the hyperbole of 'the kingdom is coming', or 'we are all doomed', and reflect on what this result means for the UK, and the Church.
Lessons from the European elections
From a Christian perspective the greatest change that Europe needs is a revival of vital Christianity.
Should I vote for a Christian candidate?
As we head towards another general election it seems as though there are particular issues for Christians, one of which is the question of who we should vote for and whether we should vote for someone specifically because they are a Christian.
None of the above – a Christian view of the UK general election
The vote is a precious gift which we should use. But therein lies the problem.
Persecuting Kate Forbes
It seems that in modern 21st century Scotland, a Scottish Christian Presbyterian in Bute House is to be feared, sneered at and viciously mocked.
Humza Yousaf's fall
A year ago, we suggested that Humza Yousaf would do well to survive after his unconvincing election as SNP leader and thus Scotland's First Minister. He hasn't. This Monday he joined the ever-growing list of 'progressive' political leaders who have resigned early – Nicola Sturgeon, Jacinda Ardern, Mark Drakeford and Leo Varadkar.
Back to back tragedies in Australia give pause for thought
In all of this we are reminded that we all live in a broken world where there are broken minds, broken bodies, broken homes, broken hearts and broken societies. We can only pray for, and long for, healing.
Scotland's destiny and the rewriting of history
Orwell's 1984 is more and more sounding like a handbook for Western 'progressive' society in the UK.
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